Just imagine - breaking though the crunchy, sweet crust into a soft, custardy, spongey centre smothered with the happy sweetness of Nutella and caramel sauce.  If you’re feeling extra extravagant then why not top it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of the warm caramel sauce.  Trust me, it reaaally hits the spot. I was having the dilemma a couple of days ago.  The kids were tucked up in bed, and I fancied something sweet.  I’m trying not to sit on the sofa with cakes and chocolate every evening nowadays, but every so often I just really really need something. Those health experts who say ‘have a couple of pieces of dark chocolate, it’s richer, so it’ll satisfy your craving’ are talking rubbish.  Who wants a couple of pieces of something that doesn’t taste as good as what I actually want? Anyway, I thought I’d turn to Chris for a bit of morale support on the no-evening-snacking.  His response? ‘Yeah yeah yeah go and make something, I’ll help you eat it’. Clearly the battle was lost, so I told him I’d only make something if he’d photograph it for my blog.  That way, it served a better purpose than me just making a 2000 calorie snack because I’m a sweetie loving weakling. Unfortunately, a caramel and Nutella bread pudding doesn’t look drop-dead drool worthy straight out of the oven.  In fact it just looks kind of bubbly and brown.  Not a picture I really want to share.  However, it did taste so good, it just wouldn’t be right to show you only the first picture that’s been strategically covered with ice cream and caramel sauce (again, had to add those things for the picture, not for me…….).  So here goes……. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover:

Yeah, not great is it.  Let’s just say it’s got a great personality 🙂 This is not a: place-on-the-table-at-your-dinner-party-and-listen-to-your-friends-say-oooh-and ahhhh type of pudding. This is a: I-need-something-deliciously-sweet-and-spongy-and-chocolatey-in-my-face-right-now kind of pudding. So put it in the oven, lick the Nutella spoon whilst you’re waiting, devour every bite that comes out of the oven.  And maybe have salad for lunch tomorrow.

The Caramel and Nutella Bread Pudding Recipe:

Nutritional info obtained from caloriecount.about.com - based on 4 servings without ice cream or custard. Nutella Cookie Bites Nutella Stuffed Croissants Nutella French Toast Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding Cake Chocolate Caramel Egg Mille Feuille

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