This is a quick and easy chicken pasta with a cream sauce infused with thyme, mint, and lemon. What a great flavor combination! And the kicker is that by the time the pasta water has come to a boil and the pasta is cooked, everything else is ready too, making for a filling, tasty midweek meal. The cream sauce is one that we found by Chef Stephan Pyles in a 2007 Wall St. Journal. He had paired it with fried chicken. Add the chicken pieces to the hot pan, spreading them out initially and then not stirring them, so they have an opportunity to brown. Once lightly browned on one side, use tongs to flip the pieces over so they brown on the second side. When pieces are browned on both sides, and just cooked through, remove to a paper towel lined plate. Add the chicken stock and let liquids reduce by half (turn up the heat if necessary). Add the cream, mint, thyme, lemon zest, honey, salt, and vinegar. Reduce the sauce by half again. Add chicken to the pasta and sauce. Add more salt and pepper to taste (be generous with both!) Add back some of the reserved pasta water if after a few minutes the pasta needs more liquid to loosen it. Serve immediately. Garnish with a little chopped fresh mint and thyme.